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We believe that healthy skin is a cornerstone of both beauty and an all-around healthy lifestyle

Brand Expression And Promise

First, we believe everyone should be able to practice safe and affordable skin care. In other words, what you put on your body is as important as what you put in your body. We are passionate about taking care of skin the natural way.

Our Promise: We will always provide high-quality skin care products that are natural, and environmentally friendly. Further, Alesmaxii always strives to honor the high regard bestowed on its home by respecting the environment. Our products utilize the healing properties of various plants, oils, and herbs We keep our products clean formulas, with affordable so we can reach more people and make a bigger difference.


Marvet Hulbrook, who goes by the name Khichi Beauty, is a Jamaican-born American; with a passion for Skin Care. She has become a well know Skincare Content Creator on Youtube sharing her Natural Skincare knowledge with people from all over the world. After years of creating content, she acquired a one-of-a-kind aesthetic and wants to create products based on some of her more popular recipes and her passion for skincare.
Marvet knows all about taking care of her skin at a young age as she struggled with skin issues such as eczema and dry skin,
Her quest for finding products that work has turnded her attention to natural skincare products, so it was only natural for her to lunch ALESMAXII with Skincare Products first.

On this journey, Marvet's quest is to empower and enlighten people from all over the world, from all walks of life. Her motto is that glowing skin starts from a simple skincare routine, one day at a time. You're, invited on this journey with her.